Reducing or Preventing Winter Property Damage

 In Property Damage, Public Adjusters

Property damage can occur at any time throughout the year, and winter is no exception because of strong snow fall.

With winter in full force and the cooler, even freezing temperatures have settled in, the season’s storms can wreak havoc on your property, causing significant damage. A lack of preparation and care throughout winter can result in property damage that can become costly. With a little attentiveness this season, you can avoid these pricey repairs.

Continue scrolling to learn how you can reduce and prevent property damage this winter season.

Install an Ice Melting System — If you live in an area where snow makes a frequent appearance during the winter months, you may want to consider installing an ice melting system on your home. These heated cables are attached with clips to the edge of your roof in a zig-zag pattern to help prevent ice dams from forming and harming your roofing and gutters, and creating dangerous hazards on the ground below. 

Trim Overhanging Tree Limbs — If large trees surround your home, it might be necessary to trim any overhanging tree limbs. Snow-laden branches are incredibly heavy and can break and can land on your roof and other parts of your property, causing major damage.

Inspect Your Roof — Before winter storms make their appearance, make sure to thoroughly examine your roof for any leaks, damaged or missing shingles and flashing, and areas surrounding your chimney or skylight windows. It is essential to do this job carefully and responsibly. If necessary, you can always hire a professional to handle the inspection.

Clean Your Gutter System — While you’re inspecting your roof for damage, make sure your gutters are clean and functioning well. Gutters usually need attention twice each year, and the job should be completed very cautiously. Make sure the gutters and downspout are free from debris — remove all leaves, nests, pine needles, and anything else that might form clogs. Consider adding a leaf guard to your system to prevent future issues from occurring. 

Fire Safety in Place — Of course, the perfect time of year to use your wood burning fireplace and to light candles is in the dead of winter. It is crucial to be responsible and careful when using fire and to have safety nets set in place. Here are a few ways to reduce fire risk in your home:

  • Keep Fire Extinguishers Accessible — Buy several fire extinguishers to place throughout your house. You can purchase fire extinguishers at any home improvement store.
  • Test Fire and Smoke Alarms — Make sure to test fire and smoke alarms regularly and to change batteries whenever necessary.
  • Give Space to Flammable Items — If you use candles, fires, cigarettes, or space heaters, make sure you never use them near flammable items.

Contact Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters

Unfortunately, some winter storms and the damage they cause cannot be avoided. When this occurs, contact the experts at Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters. Our decades of experience in construction and disaster restoration allows our knowledgeable team of adjusters to help you quickly resolve your insurance claim. Our professionals represent you, not your insurance company, and can serve you if you live in Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, or New Jersey. Contact us today to receive your free claim review.

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