Preparing an Earthquake Emergency Plan

 In Earthquake Damage, Property Damage

Do you have an earthquake emergency plan in place? If you do not already have one, it is not too late to research and develop one.  

An earthquake is an abrupt and rapid shaking of the earth caused by shifting rocks below the surface of the earth. This results from the sudden release of energy in the earth’s lithosphere that creates seismic waves. They can strike without warning, during any time of day or night, all year long. Ninety percent of the United States and territories are at some level of risk of earthquakes, ranging from moderate to very high. Staying safe during an earthquake is crucial and having an earthquake emergency plan in place is one of the best things you can do to be prepared. 

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How to Create an Earthquake Emergency Plan 

There are several things you can do to ensure your safety during an earthquake. Here’s what you can do to create an emergency plan: 

Know How to Protect Yourself – For your safety, the moment you feel an earthquake, each member of your family needs to drop, take cover, and hold on. You may have heard that a doorway is the safest place to be during an earthquake. However, they are not any stronger than any other part of a structure. Instead, find a sturdy piece of furniture, like a desk or table, that is away from windows and hold on tightly with your family. With your family, especially children, find “safe spots” in each room in your house and practice what to do if an earthquake were to strike. 

Keep Emergency Supplies on Hand – Keep an emergency stash of all of the supplies you will need for a few days in an easy-to-grab place. In your bag, keep a flashlight and extra batteries, first-aid kit, earthquake supply kit, food and water for a few days, essential medications, cash and important documents, and anything else that your family will need. 

Create an Evacuation Plan – After an earthquake, you and your family may need to evacuate the damaged structure afterward. Take a few moments with your family members to talk about what to do if evacuation is necessary. Plan multiple ways to escape each room, gather any necessary equipment, like rope ladders, and learn how to use it. Learn where utility switches and valves are located so they can be shut off. Planning and practicing your evacuation plan will help you and your family be safe. 

Make an Emergency Communication Plan – In the event that family members are separated during an emergency, which is very likely with children at school and parents at work, it’s important to have a plan in place on where to reunite after the disaster. Make a safe meeting spot that everyone knows the phone number and address to. It may be helpful to have an out-of-town relative serve as an emergency contact that everyone can get in touch with. 

Contact Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters 

While an earthquake emergency plan can help keep you and your loved ones safe, it can’t protect your home against disasters like earthquakes. If your house has suffered damage due to a natural disaster or another emergency, contact the team of experts at Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters. With more than 50 years of experience, our team of adjusters can help you resolve your insurance claim in no time. We are here to represent you, not your insurance company. If you live in Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, or New Jersey, contact us today for your free, no-obligation claims review.

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