5 Steps To Prepare For Hurricane Season

 In Property Damage

With hurricane season just a few short months away, now is the perfect time to start preparing because it’s better late than never.

Hurricanes are powerful swirling storms that can produce extreme winds of over 70 mph. These violent storms can destroy buildings, trees, and homes that result in thousands and thousands of dollars in damages. Thankfully, you can take a few precautionary measures to soften the blow and lessen the ravages of these destructive storms. 

Continue reading to learn more.

5 Steps to Prepare for Hurricane Season

Don’t wait around for a hurricane watch to be issued to take necessary precautions. You can reduce the amount of damage sustained with a bit of forethought and preparation. Minimize the impact of hurricane season by doing these five things before the season even begins:

  1. Make a Plan — In the event of a hurricane, evacuation may be necessary if you live near the coast or in a mobile home. Creating an evacuation plan well in advance can be the difference between being safe or not. Of course, your local government officials will give instructions, but having a plan of your own is essential. Once you have a plan in place, make sure to practice with your loved ones.
  2. Keep Non-Perishables Supplies and Essentials On Hand — The moment hurricane warnings are issued, people in the area flock to the stores and the shelves empty. As much as you can before a warning even occurs, gather all the emergency supplies and essentials you need — ideally, keeping them on hand. Included in this list are candles, matches, batteries, prescriptions, diapers, water, food you don’t need to refrigerate, a first aid kit, prescription drugs, a flashlight, etc. It is wise to keep these emergency supplies in easy-to-access bags that you can quickly grab in case you need to evacuate.
  3. Take a Home Inventory — If you are in the path of a hurricane and its winds, chances are your property will suffer at least a little bit of damage. Before disaster strikes, take an inventory of your home and personal belongings. This will help immensely with the insurance claims process.
  4. Understand Your Insurance Policy — It is essential to understand your insurance policy and what exactly is covered. You’ll want to make sure you have purchased enough insurance to replace your belongings (which is another reason why taking inventory of your items is beneficial). Many policies do not cover flooding, so you may want to consider adding flood insurance to your policy.
  5. Prepare and Protect Your Home — Well before the hurricane winds get going, taking time to batten down the hatches and prepare your home for the storm is necessary. Here are a few things you may want to do before hurricane season:
  • Trim overhanging branches that could break and cause damage
  • Install storm shutters or place plywood panels on your windows
  • Seal exterior wall openings, such as vents, hoses, outdoor outlets, etc.
  • Put away outdoor furniture, toys, and grills
  • Replace old garage doors and tracks with ones that can withstand intense winds

Contact Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters

If hurricane season hasn’t been kind to you or your property, contact the experts at Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters.

Working with insurance companies can be overwhelming and stressful, and our professionals are here to help. We represent you, not your insurance. With more than 50 years of experience and knowledge in the industry, our skilled team of adjusters can help you resolve your insurance claim quickly and efficiently. If you live in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, or Utah, we can serve you. Contact Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters for your free, no-obligation claims review today.

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