Be Sure Water Damaged Properties Are Properly Dried Before Beginning Repairs

 In News, Water Damage

Last month, the small Arizona town of Wickenburg experienced historic floods that turned normally dry washes into raging rivers.  The desert town received up to four inches of rain in a downpour that overwhelmed the town’s ability to handle the influx of water. At least a dozen properties were severely damaged and many more experienced varying degrees of water infiltration.

Now that several weeks have gone by, many property owners are eager to repair and rebuild their homes and businesses.  However, it is critically important that the properties are thoroughly dried before construction activities begin.

“It doesn’t matter if water damage is due to a raging river or a catastrophic roof or plumbing leak, construction activities that take place before a structure has been properly dried can trap moisture leading to a whole new set of problems,” said Tom Allen from Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters, LLC. “Wood, drywall and other porous building materials can absorb a significant amount of water.  Some of these materials can be dried and cleaned while others should be discarded.  It’s also important to act quickly as mold can begin to grow in under 48 hours on most wet materials.  If the moisture hasn’t been properly removed in a timely manner, people may be faced with mold problems resulting in odor issues, health concerns and even possible future structural damage to the property.”

For property owners with insurance claims for damage to their properties, the professionals at Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters are available to represent policy holders at a moment’s notice.  Their staff understands the importance of addressing all moisture issues and having a property thoroughly dried to ensure the structure is ready to be repaired and will be safe for future building occupants.  Policy holders who engage the services of Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters know that they will receive the most accurate and complete settlement so they can rebuild their homes and businesses following any type of property damage.

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