In News, Public Adjusters

With 100° temperatures having already occurred across Phoenix and Tucson, a properly functioning central air conditioner provides a comfortable indoor environment for building occupants. In many parts of the state, air conditioning is an absolute necessity this time of year.

With several weeks to go before the official start of summer, most Arizona residents have already been using their AC for weeks if not months. In addition to providing cool air and ventilation, air conditioners help to remove excessive humidity from the air which can help prevent the growth of mold and the presence of dust mites. Most air conditioners also have air filters that depending on the quality of the filtration can help to remove particles, allergens and respiratory irritants from the air people breathe.

Air conditioner maintenance is crucial to ensure the units continue to operate, are energy efficient and provide good indoor air quality (IAQ). Some routine maintenance tasks can be handled by property owners while others may require the services of a qualified professional.

Basic maintenance tips include the following with the power shut off to the unit:

  • Remove debris and plant growth from around and inside of the exterior condenser
  • Clean the outdoor unit and its fins, but do not use a pressure washer to prevent damage
  • Look for bent or damaged fins and have them straightened
  • Check to determine if any excessive settling has occurred
  • Check  for damage and wear, and clean the evaporator coil
  • Inspect and clean the condensation drain
  • Replace old air filters, some units also have a filter for an outdoor air intake
  • Inspect duct work for signs of debris, contamination and obvious leaks
  • Checking airflow, thermostat accuracy and the amount of refrigerant, or if there are any refrigerant leaks, is often best handled by a qualified professional

“An improperly installed or maintained air conditioner may not properly cool a home or building and could pose a fire hazard in some circumstances,” said Douglas Waldie, President of Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters, LLC. “Arizona’s extreme temperatures can cause AC units to overheat and clogged condensation drains can create electrical hazards that could result in fires. Even new AC units can pose a fire risk as was the case when a major HVAC manufacturer recently recalled over 230,000 units due to electrical burn and fire hazards.”

Residential and commercial property owners in Arizona who have suffered property damage due to a malfunctioning HVAC system or any other reason can turn to the experts at Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters to file, manage and resolve their insurance claims. Their public adjusters represent only policyholders to ensure all damages are recognized, documented, comprehensively managed and settled fairly. They also recently sponsored an educational video about air conditioner preventive maintenance and indoor air quality that can be seen at:

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