Top Four Causes of Property Damage

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You can only hope nothing ever goes wrong with your house, but it’s essential to prepare for the worst. An exploding pipe inside your kitchen or a flood that inundates your home can leave you with expensive damage.

Although you can’t prevent natural disasters, there are measures you can take to secure your property. Continue reading to learn more about the top four causes of property damage.

1. Wind Damage

The most common cause of property damage is wind damage. Some homeowners underestimate the damage a strong gust of wind can cause, but it’s just as dangerous as water or fire damage. Gusts can uproot trees, damaged roofs, and lift up any backyard items, such as tables and chairs. 

Flying objects are a safety hazard that can hit you or break through your windows, resulting in shattered glass. Take preventative measures if there’s a strong wind and move projectile objects indoors. Make sure your trees are pruned and secure your roof’s shingles. 

2. Non-Weather-Related Water Damage

Water damage can refer to damage caused by the weather or water inside your house. Dishwater, washing machines, and toilets can cause leaks that result in mold and mildew growth, leaving your home smelling like sewer water. They’re also a slipping hazard. 

One of the best preventative measures you can take is to know where all the water sources are. Perform routine inspections under your sinks. If your washing machine has a rubber hose, check it twice a year to make sure it’s not wearing out. Additionally, you can replace it with a stainless steel one. If you’re going on vacation, turn off the main water valve, so you’re not worrying about potential damage on your trip. 

3. Weather-Related Water Damage

Heavy rain and flooding can leave your property with irreparable damage, and there are only a few measures you can take to prevent it. Make sure your roof is in healthy condition, and check if your shingles are worn out. Check if your downspouts are crooked, as their function is to direct water away from your home. 

Clean your gutters twice a year, so water doesn’t build up. If you live in a cold area, remove snow accumulations from the roof after every snowfall. 

4. Hail Damage

Hailstorms can be damaging to homes depending on the size and speed at which it falls. According to the Insurance Information Institute, one in 35 homeowners report a hail damage-related claim each year. It can cause dents in your roof’s siding, crack your shingles and gutters, and break asphalt roofs. 

When hail begins to fall, park your car in your garage or under a carport. Move anything susceptible to damage, such as patio furniture or your pet’s food bowl, indoors or under a covered area. 


Contact Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters

If you’ve experienced property damage due to a natural disaster, you’ll need your claim solved quickly and for fair settlement value. At Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters, we represent only you and not your insurance company. We know how hard it is to get back on your feet, and we’re here for you. Contact us today so we can resolve your claim. 

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