How Should I Care For My New Home?

 In Home Maintenance, Property Damage, Tips & Ideas

If you’re like most Americans, your house is likely your largest investment, so it’s important you do your best to care for your new home.

Becoming a homeowner is an exciting rite of passage, but it can also be overwhelming. Many homeowners are surprised at how expensive and involved home ownership can be. If you’ve only ever rented, though, you may not know the general requirements for home maintenance.

Today, we’re sharing the basics of home maintenance that first-time homeowners need to understand to care for a new property properly. You might consider printing out a master list and displaying it in your garage or with your tools as a reminder.

New Home Maintenance Tips

Circuit Breaker Box: Locate your circuit box and identify which switches control different areas in your home. Clearly label the switches so that you know exactly what to switch if you’re adjusting light fixtures or blow a breaker.

Water Shut Off: A common insurance claim is non-emergency water damage. A burst pipe or other serious plumbing issue can create serious havoc in your home, so figure out exactly where your main water shut off is located and how to turn it off. Be sure every adult (and maybe teenagers) know how to do this.

Always Watch Your Foundation: Excess water and buildup can cause damage to your foundation over time. Be sure that the ground slopes away from the foundation of your home, and make sure any drainage spouts direct the flow of water several feet from the home. If you notice cracks, patch them immediately. Make sure to clean your gutters at least once per year thoroughly.

Don’t Dig Recklessly: Whether you’re trying to plant bushes or prepare for sod, make sure you call 811 before you dig anywhere on your property. Your city will send someone to mark the important utilities buried beneath your soil so that you don’t accidentally cause serious damage—or just expensive repairs.

Find Studs: You can damage wiring and pipes by drilling or hammering into your walls. Studs provide structure and better hanging foundations, but they also protect the important conduits in the walls. Buy and practice using a stud finder to locate studs before you hang anything on your walls, and use drywall screws appropriately.

Replace Air Filters: Locate the various air filter vents around your home (usually at least one per level). Learn how to remove the filter and measure the size. Order a supply of these air filters and swap them out every 90 days. That may seem overly frequent, but it actually keeps your home’s air cleaner and safer—not to mention helps with utility bills and energy efficiency.

Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters Can Help with Property Damage

 With proper maintenance, you should be able to prevent most forms of property damage to your new home. Unfortunately, the unexpected can still occur.

At Hudson Douglas Public Adjusters, we advocate for you in your time of need. If you are facing significant damage to your precious home, call us for a quote and assistance today. We’re licensed to offer services in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

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